As I wrote the other day, I've been doing a lot of prep work on some crafts around the house. One of the things I've been working on is this cabinet. It was U.G.L.Y. I wish I was kidding. I didn't take a before picture because you would've said..."You spent $10 on
that?" Yep. I did. I saw its potential. And, even though it is slightly TOO big, it does look great! I had to WASH it before I did anything. I really wish you had seen how black it was. YUCK! I sanded and sanded it down on top. I mean, there was all kind of gunk on it. I also had to pry the old handles off. I skipped the whole priming it thing because the paint that was on it WAS primer. Then I painted it. And painted it. Because it was WHITE underneath, it took several coats and a small touch up brush to get rid of all the white. I only painted the outside of the cabinet. You'll never see the inside. I didn't even take the doors off the hinges. I didn't want to take them off and change them so I just painted right over them. You can't tell. Its not, I'm sure, what the "experts" would do but for a $10 cabinet, I didn't want to invest more money on hinges...especially when I'm not sure where it will end up when we move to San Diego. It might be in the garage...and then who cares, right?
I love it! Reed even loves it! And with it "dressed" for fall...perfect, for me anyway. I had a couple of those things laying around the house but mostly I bought stuff for the top of it. I know...bad. But, the runner and the lamp are the only things that will stay there year round and they are also the only things over $10. I picked up those little flower pots at Micheal's for half off and they were cheap to begin with. I had one of the silver pumpkins...although it was green and I had to paint it silver to match the other one. The books are mine. I did get the pedestal at Target and the candle too. I got the other glass pumpkins and the other silver pumpkin at Ross for cheap. I love a pumpkin! I had that silver tray that we will use for mail and other odds and ends that end up right next to the front door. I've been getting GIDDY just thinking about it a cute for Christmas. I can't wait!
And, it really serves its purpose! Look at all I can fit in there...and there's more room! Plus, if you look closely, you might see how nasty it was inside there. Don't worry, its clean...just not so pretty!
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