Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's the hold up?

So, this rockin' craft blog of ours hasn't been so rockin' lately.  I'm working on it!  The past couple of weeks have been just a TAD bit busy!  Belle was baptized on the 11th and her birthday was on the 18th although we celebrated on the 17th with a bowling birthday party.  I have been busy...and my can of black paint has been my best friend.  No joke.  I now have a black front door.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it would look better any color other than WHITE.  YUCK.  But, what color?  I've been thinking about this for years.  My plan was to paint he shutters outside which are black and then the door to match.  Well, the shutters are already black and look pretty good with the white siding and red brick.  I bought black paint for some other projects and decided that I would have PLENTY to go around...and why not a black front door?  I can't WAIT to see my Christmas wreath on it! 

I have a very LONG list of things on my to do list.  As I get them done, I'll post about them here.  In addition to my new black front door, I'm also painting an old cabinet that I got at a garage sale for $10.  It was hideous!  I had to sand the top of it pretty good.  I'm still not pleased with it but I'm not sure you'll notice the imperfections when its all decorated.  Fall decorations are waiting for it!  Another black paint project is my grandma's coffee table.  It also has a crack in it so its going to take some repairing too.  I need to make some new dog beds for the dogs.  I also started a project last winter.  I can't wait to share it with you because it is SUPER cute!  And, there's more!  I'm just in prep mode.  Stay tuned!

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